· Seniors wishing to attend college in the fall need to make sure that they have applied and completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. If you need help or have any questions, please contact your School Counselor.
· Also, Seniors - Don't forget to turn in your acceptance letters to your School Counselor so we may add your name to the Senior Post-Secondary Slide Show.
· If you are a part of National Honors Society, Mrs. Jarriel will be taking remaining dues in room FA320 before lunch each day.
· Are you planning on competing at FBLA State Conference this year? Decide on an FBLA competitive event NOW! Preparation, signups, and reports will be due soon. Many events including performance events will need to be uploaded. Before signing up for any competition, you must be in the National data base as a paid FBLA member.
· For juniors interested in Dual Enrollment, there will be a dual enrollment virtual session on January 8th at 9:30 AM. See your Guidance Counselor for more details.
· Virtual Registration for all students through the Aiken County Virtual Academy is currently open. Registration for Virtual SC will open for only 11th and 12th graders on January 13, 2021. Ninth and tenth graders may register on January 20, 2021. Registration for all students will end on January 27th and classes will begin on February 3rd. These options are for students interested in taking virtual classes in addition to their current schedule. Students MUST complete the virtual agreement form located on the Counseling website before the course will be approved by your counselor.
· Track and Field Conditioning will begin on January 11th from 3:45 to 5:00pm at the track. Athletes wishing to participate must have all athletic paperwork turned in before coming out. See Coach Gore or Coach Johnson this week if you are interested.
· All North Augusta High School students need to be checking their Office 365 emails every day to ensure they have the most up-to-date information regarding all of their coursework and other school information.
· If you have not yet returned your signed laptop agreement form, please bring your form to your homeroom teacher or to the Media Center as soon as possible.
· Due to Covid restrictions, admission to all winter varsity and JV sports will be limited. Tickets will be available to the public 48 hours before an event on gofan.co and will cost $7.00. Booster club passes, gold circle cards, high school league passes, and advisory council passes will be admitted on a limited basis until capacity is met. North Augusta High School would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding as we try to navigate these challenging times.
· Yearbooks are for sale online at yearbookforever.com or in person in Ms. Anderson’s room any day before 12pm. The cost is $65. Buy yours before they are gone because no extras will be ordered! The final date to purchase a yearbook is January 20th.
· Junior Class Dues are being collected in Mrs. Noland’s art room every day before school and during lunch. Dues are $70 and cover the cost of Prom for your Junior and Senior years as well as Senior Breakfast.
· FBLA dues and applications are now being accepted in Mrs. Oswald’s room. Bring your completed application and $15 dues to room B112 before noon. If you’ve wondered what FBLA is about, please watch this short video.