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National College Decision Day

On May 1st, every year, it’s National College Decision Day. That is the day when most deadlines for enrollment deposits for schools are due. This means that seniors must pick the college they will attend by this date, including the seniors at North Augusta High School. During the days leading up to it, those seniors who have not determined what college they are going to will have to decide.

Many seniors were interviewed about their plans for college to see what they have decided as this deadline approached. Most had made their choice by this point, but some were still on the fence. Senior Maggie Johnson said, “I’m going to USC Honors College in the fall and am very very excited... I was considering Wofford for a while because they gave me a mighty nice-looking scholarship, but I didn’t think I’d be as happy there as I would be at USC.” Senior Catherine Sams also plans on attending the University of South Carolina and when asked why she decided to go there, she said, “I've wanted to go to Clemson since freshman year of high school, but when I decided I wanted to continue dance in college then later discovered UofSC’s amazing dance program, I knew I wanted to go there.” However, not every senior is certain of where they are going as of yet. Molly Lindsey is still deciding between two schools saying, “I am deciding between Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Clemson University. Right now, I am leaning more towards Embry Riddle because I want to leave South Carolina.”

Many seniors including Johnson and Sams expressed their excitement for college and being able to experience new things. Senior Bryce Anderson, who plans on attending Clemson, shared his excitement saying, “I enjoy spending time outside, so it being a college town with a lot of outdoorsy aspects will be great. The thing I am looking forward to most is the new people, new scenery, and just in general new experiences.” Madden Bell, who plans on attending the University of Alabama, shares those same sentiments saying, “I am looking forward to opening a new chapter in my life and meeting new people... They have such exciting programs, such as the STEM to MBA honors program, rigorous engineering and business courses, and a great scholarship package for national merit finalists.” Johnson and Sams share the same excitement about living with their roommates and the outdoors at USC, Sams saying, “What I’m looking forward to most in college is making new friends, getting involved on and off-campus, dance classes and performances, rooming with my best friend, and spending time outdoors on USC’s beautiful campus!”

Every Senior student weighed their options to decide on what college to attend and what is important to them. Some decided in the same way Bell and Sams did, based on better programs for their field, or like Lindsey, based on whether they want to stay in-state or out of state. No matter what North Augusta High School Seniors chose, they are supported by their school and community as they transition to taking on these future endeavors.

Photo Credit: Maggie Johnson

Pictured: Maggie Johnson

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