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New Leadership and Sponsors: A Change in Power with Extra-Curriculars at NAHS

North Augusta High School prides itself on its numerous diverse clubs and activities for its students. However, these clubs require faculty sponsors. The 2021 – 2022 academic year has found many clubs with new sponsors. These include Mrs. Koonce with Beta Club, Mrs. Coyle with National Honors Society, and Mr. Wilson with Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

“Mr. Murphy asked me if I would be willing to act as the Advisor and since I was familiar with the organization - as I had previously been affiliated with it - I agreed” says Mrs. Coyle. She has fifteen years of prior experience working with the National Honor Society Organization.

In her organization, Coyle often pushes for a large amount of student involvement, both in the club and in community events.

“I am a true believer that school organizations belong to the students, and they should have as much control as possible,” says Coyle. “Students have partnered with BETA Club to clean the stadium, also to clean up around Brick Pond Park. They have also collected treats and made toys to be delivered to the SPCA. They have also collected gently used books to be placed in Lia's Little Library, which is located at Summerville Park. Future projects include making Christmas cards for Seniors and assisting with Recing Club Bowling. I am sure that our officers will be adding projects during the second semester.”

Coyle states that her job as an advisor is to ensure that the values of the organization are upheld, and nothing more. She greatly emphasizes student leadership and planning in National Honor Society.

Photo Credit: Contributed by Andrew Towner


To learn more about different clubs and activities at North Augusta High School, please visit their website.

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