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North Augusta High School Inducts New Hall of Fame Members for 2022

Catherine Newman

Hall of Fame is a tradition at North Augusta High School that has been happening since the early years of the school. To get into the Hall of Fame, students must go through a hard and lengthy process.

Andrew Towner, inductee, says “First, students had to apply by having no discipline issues to be put on a ballot. Then, seniors were allowed to vote for 10 people that they think should be in the Hall of Fame. Next, they take roughly the top 15 or 20 that the teachers vote from and that is how the Hall of Fame students are decided.”

AnnElise Baxley, also a 2022 inductee, said, “It was a huge surprise when my name was called during the assembly. Your parents are told in advance that you have made it into the hall of fame, so they knew. But they did a really excellent job at keeping it a secret from me.’

Some people did, however, think they had a chance to receive the award. Gillian Gregory said, “Personally, I felt I had a decent chance at getting selected but was not 100% confident that I would get it because there were so many amazing people to choose from.”

Students want to be a part of Hall of Fame for a reason. Lia Murphy, 2022 inductee, said, “North Augusta High School Hall of Fame recognizes students for their achievements in and outside of school. I have looked up to those inducted into the Hall of Fame in the past and hoped I could be a role model for others.”

Those inducted often reminisce on their time at North Augusta High School. Towner said, “North Augusta High School has truly become my home away from homes the past four years. The teachers and friends that North Augusta High School has provided me with have been such a blessing because there have been many things I would not have done if it had not been for these amazing people.”

Another inductee, Sean Fowley said, “North Augusta means a lot to me. It has molded me into the young man I am today, and for that I am extremely grateful and love NAHS.”

This year the NAHS Hall of Fame inductees are: AnnElise Baxley, Austin Brown, Katie Beth Cannon, Katelyn Cochran, Sean Fowley, Jack Greenway, Gillian Gregory, Austin Harrell, Lia Murphy, Madison Noyce, and Andrew Towner.

Photo Credit: Contributed by Emma Carter


Congratulations to all inducted students.

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