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S2S Week Around the Community

April is the month of the military child. Throughout the school and the community, many people show their support and appreciation for military children so that they feel seen and comfortable.

Since many military children feel hidden and like they are left out because of constantly moving. We use April is a perfect time to show our appreciation for these children.

Kaylie Lewis, a junior and 2-year member of Student 2 Student, has participated in many activities to show her support for military children.

Lewis says, “S2S holds multiple events during the month of the military child to not only support them but also give back to our community. From community service like our most recent Trash Bash to holding military child spirit week at the High School, to reading military-themed books to the local elementary schoolers.”

Many of the activities for Military Children are supposed to make them feel welcomed in the community so they do not feel ignored. Lewis said, “April being the month of the Military child impacts us greatly and makes us feel seen and recognized for our hardships. Not only that, but it also enlightens people about the military kids at their school, and within their community.”

S2S member, Emil Ayala, has been in S2S for four years. Emil has had a lot of experience the S2S military month and says “during April, we participate in a spirit week to not only show our school spirit, but also show support for military families. We try to participate in military community service projects to aid our veterans and military personnel and we try to join our community in activities such as the walkathon to celebrate serving families.”

April helps military children feel welcomed and understood. It helps them know that they are not alone and even though not everyone goes through what they go through, they have people to support them through everything.

Pictured from left to right are Alyssa Godfrey, Alexus Hutchinson, and Kaylie Lewis who are upstanding members of S2S!

Photo Credit: Mrs. Merion

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