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Student's Personal Resolutions Progress

With the new year, comes New Year's resolutions. Around the world, New Year's resolutions are made. A reasonable question to ask is how students at our high school are succeeding in resolutions that reflect personal goals, or activities not related to academics.

Nick Toole, a junior at NAHS, said that his New Year resolution is to run at least once a week, saying that he "has been running on the Greenway when the weather [is good], and I do not have a lot of homework.” He says that so far, he has been successful with his New Year's resolution and is determined to develop his talent for running long distances.

Toole is also a member of the NAHS Cross Country Team, so running keeps him poised for the season.

Another junior, Alyssa Rogers, says that her New Year's resolution is to learn a new language.

“I had one to keep my Duolingo lessons going. I went to my boyfriend’s house for New Year’s and only 4 people could speak English,” says Rogers.

New Year’s resolutions can be challenging and stress people out, but even the smallest of resolutions can be important. New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be something huge, like learning a new language. It can be something as simple as staying positive throughout the new year.

A Senior, Amber Devine, resolved to stay more positive. Even though we are facing tough times with new strands of Covid-19, Amber believes that being positive can be a solution to outside problems.

“I want to remain positive even though the pandemic is still active. When new variants come out, instead of getting mad, I try to remain positive,” says Devine.

Kerith Miller, a senior at NAHS, said her New Year’s resolution is to drink more water. She said that she doesn’t think she has been drinking enough water, so she wanted to start drinking more, stating: “I haven’t kept it up, but I do still drink more water than I was.” She said that she would say that she failed, even though she does drink a little more water than she did last year.

As the school year progresses, some New Year's resolutions might stay going, but others might slowly die away, but determination and poise are how resolutions succeed.

Pictured above: Kerith Miller, Nick Toole, Alyssa Rogers, and Amber Devine.

Photo Contributions: Tiana Bostick

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