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The 2021 North Augusta High School Homecoming Court

Homecoming court has been a tradition at North Augusta High School for many years. This year the homecoming court consists of 15 lucky girls, including McKenzie Love, Faith Jackson, Katelyn Cochran, Alexia Hillary, Isabelle Jones, Trinidy Hammond, Sydney Stephens, LaShiontae Aranda, Harlee Bryan, Arin Moore, Katie Beth Cannon, Peyton Zuehlke, Gillian Gregory, Kylie McNair, and Tiana Bostick.

Harlee Bryan, when asked about how she felt regarding homecoming court, said “I always thought about running for homecoming court and when the applications went out, I knew it was almost time! North Augusta high school is family to me. My grandparents, dad, mom, uncle, my cousins, and my big brother all attended NAHS, so I decided to run for the sentimental value it holds!”

Being crowned Homecoming Queen is an important and meaningful title to hold. Alexia Hillary says “If I were elected Homecoming Queen, it would mean so much more to me than just being presented the crown. I would know that my fellow peers thought of me as a good candidate to represent our school and I would be blessed to hold that title.,” while Katie Beth Cannon said “If I were to be elected Homecoming Queen, it would be such an honor to know that I am that liked and respected among the school. I know it would be such an amazing moment if I was to win. However, I'm confident that whoever is elected Queen will deserve the position and will do amazing.”

There is a lot of work put into homecoming court, campaigning and planning being major ones. Many girls used posters, candy, and social media to help them campaign around school, but Alexia Hillary stepped out of the box by making wristbands and QR codes that connected to her social medias.

“On the front it said, “LEXI 4 HOCO QUEEN” and on the back it said, “Grind 4 Gold.” I thought this was a good idea as it would give the students a chance to meet me and know my name,” says Hillary.

The Homecoming Game was on Friday, October 8th. The Homecoming Queen was Faith Jackson. First Runner Up was Harlee Bryan, and Second Runner Up was LaShiontae Aranda.

Pictured here in a black dress, is North Augusta High School's 2021 Homecoming Queen, Faith Jackson. Her father, North Augusta teacher Mr. Spears, and student Blake Jiunnies stand around Faith congratulating her.

Photo Credit: Phil Hadley Photography

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