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Basketball Cheer

The North Augusta High School cheerleaders spend their time after football season getting ready to cheer for boys’ and girls’ basketball. The JV and Varsity cheerleaders love getting to learn new cheers and spend more time together as a team during basketball season. This year has been very different for these girls as they dealt with Covid-19 rules and regulations.

One major change for these cheerleaders was that the whole team was not allowed to cheer at once. After asking Varsity cheer coach, Rhonda Norris, why the entire team could not cheer at one time and how she split them up so that everyone was able to cheer, she stated, “The South Carolina High School League recommended that we cut the number of people allowed in for games. So, the cheer squads were limited to eight. For Varsity, I have the five seniors cheer every game and the nine juniors rotate three at each game to give us the eight.

Pictured here, is Ms. Rhonda Norris, the coach of the Varsity Cheerleading team at North Augusta High School.

Photo Credit: Emma Carter


Coach Norris was also asked about how this year was different from previous years. Specifically, what her and her team have done to make it work. She stated, “Keeping the spacing and masking has been a little tough. Varsity not traveling during basketball has been the biggest difference. I feel the team has responded great, letting the seniors cheer at all basketball games with the juniors rotating. Everyone has worked together to keep things positive and upbeat. I’m proud of how Varsity has responded to the changes they’ve had to endure this season.”

Finally, Coach Norris was asked what her favorite thing about the basketball cheer season was. She stated, “Watching the games! We have an awesome girls’ team and an exciting boys’ team. It’s fun to be part of the action cheering them on.” Although this season has been difficult with all the changes these cheerleaders have had to go through, they still love it!



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