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Mackenzie Ainsworth

Volleyball's Winning Record

Our North Augusta High School Varsity Volleyball team has kicked off the school year with a winning record! The team, as of Monday, September 19th, have an 11-5 record, a stronger start than previous years.  

One possible reason for this change in success may be partially due to the lineup change. Last year, the team only had 3 seniors, one who unfortunately experienced a torn ACL injury during the season, compared to 8 seniors this year (Cara Alan, Greer Worley, Kennedy McCants, Emily Greenway, Reagan Harley, Lilly Enter, Elizabeth Levins, and Rachel Kirk), the majority who have all played for North Augusta Volleyball for at least 4 years.

Seniors are working to finish their high school volleyball career strong, playing their hardest in the game and motivating the underclassmen. Senior Cara Alan has also commented on the improving teamwork this year, saying that better communication has been a big factor. 

It is no surprise that the team’s biggest competition this season are Aiken and South Aiken. After a strong fight in 3 sets, North Augusta unfortunately lost at Aiken High School last week, with one set even going to 27 points, which was particularly impressive after their losing streak against Aiken. The team will have another chance, as these are region games, when they play their opponents at home on October 12th.

It is clear that our players are determined and hard-working, which will hopefully help us finish this season. Alan says that “focusing on the fundamentals, acting like a team, and building each other up” will help the team persevere through their remaining games. Good luck to our volleyball team, especially our seniors, as this 2022 season approaches its end.  

Pictured: NAHS Volleyball Team huddled during a home game.

Image is borrowed from Greer Worley.

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