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Road to State

Spring sports are slowly ending, but some have no intention of being done any time soon. One being softball. Already the softball team has had remarkable success and continues to do so.

Senior, Kadence Adams, comments on the recent achievements. Adams says, “Our biggest win so far this season was for this season was for sure the triple crown tournament for the sixth year in a row, defeating Lexington and White Knoll in the same day. We also won the varsity blues tournament defeating another top team in the state.”

According to junior, Elizabeth Levins, she says “the team has won two out of three tournaments we have been in. Right now, we are #2 in the state, #1 in the 4a division and #17 in the country.”

But no amount of practice, coaching or private lessons could bring a team this success. Both Levins and Adams agree that a big part of this winning streak is the unbreakable bond between their teammates.

Adams says, “We all get along so well and truly want what is best for everyone and for everyone to succeed.” Levins agrees as she says, “I feel like our bond and our hard work has led us to our success. After we had a devastating loss last year after thinking it would be our year, it pushed us to add in that extra work.”

Not only is it nice to have a substantial winning streak, but the North Augusta softball program also has a lot more to offer. Levins says, “the best part of North Augusta softball is all the fun times and friendships on and off the field. I love every single one of these girls like a sister and couldn’t ask for a better team. We have so many laughs and fun times that I will never forget.”

The softball team will continue to compete in their region games for the remainder of their scheduled season. Adams is hopeful when saying, “we will begin playoffs the first week of May and we hope to play deep into may and get a state championship!!”

Levins is affirmative on the next steps for the team when she says, “next for us is the first state title of softball champions at North Augusta!”

The NAHS Softball team and coaches.

Photo Credit: NAHS Social Media

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