Palmetto Girls State Delegates Chosen for North Augusta High School
Impending AP Exams and Effects on NAHS Students
The Master’s Golf Tournament Arrives in Augusta
Student Revitalization: The Embracing of Spring Break
North Augusta Senior, Austin Harrell, Plays in North-South All Star Game
A Different Life: Spring Break for NAHS Athletes
With Inspirations and Fun, North Augusta Welcomes Business TapTruck 2State
The Peach Ridge Invitational Kicks Off North Augusta Baseball
Buddy Club Hosts "Perfect Prom"
Community and Care Showcased in Project "Sandspurs Coat Drive"
Perfection and Perseverance: Upcoming Cheerleading Tryouts at North Augusta
New Spring Beginnings, Tennis Season Starts at North Augusta
Blood Donation Amidst a National Blood Crisis
The North Augusta High School Yoga Club
Masters Week Preparations in the North Augusta Community
New North Augusta Businesses: Christie’s Coffee Co.
North Augusta High School Inducts New Hall of Fame Members for 2022
Black History Month at North Augusta High School
North Augusta High School Band Members Compete in Regional Band Competition
Grace United Methodist Cancels Annual Valentine's Day Event